姓名:吴菲 项目研究员
2018.3 - 至今 中科院化学研究所 副研究员
2017.12 – 2018.2 中科院化学研究所 助理研究员
2015.09~2017.12 中国科学院化学研究所 博士后
2010.08~2015.07 美国犹他大学 博士
2005.09~2009.06 南开大学 学士
迄今已在Chem. Soc. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Anal. Chem.等学术期刊发表研究论文40篇,论文他引600余次。
1. Shuyue Guo, Ping Yu, Weiqi Li, Yuanping Yi, Fei Wu*, Lanqun Mao*, Electron hopping by interfacing semiconducting graphdiyne nanosheets and redox molecules for selective electrocatalysis, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2074-2082.
2. Huan Wei, Lijuan Li, Jing Jin, Fei Wu*, Ping Yu, Furong Ma, Lanqun Mao*, Galvanic redox potentiometry based microelectrode array for synchronous ascorbate and single-unit recordings in rat brain, Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 10177-10182.
3. Huan Wei, Fei Wu*, Lijuan Li, Xiaoti Yang, Cong Xu, Ping Yu, Furong Ma, Lanqun Mao*, Natural leukocyte membrane-masked microelectrodes with an enhanced antifouling ability and biocompatibility for in vivo electrochemical sensing, Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 11374-11379.
4. Zhongjie Han, Lijun Zhao, Ping Yu, Jiwen Chen*, Fei Wu*, Lanqun Mao, Comparative investigation of small laccase immobilized on carbon nanomaterials for direct bioelectrocatalysis of oxygen reduction, Electrochem. Commun. 2019, 101, 82-87.
5. Fei Wu, Ping Yu, Xiaoti Yang, Zhongjie Han, Ming Wang, Lanqun Mao*, Exploring ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase as an enzymatic bioelectrocatalyst, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 12700-12704.
6. Fei Wu, Hanjun Cheng, Huan Wei, Tianyi Xiong, Ping Yu, Lanqun Mao*, Galvanic redox potentiometry for self-driven in vivo measurement of neurochemical dynamics at open-circuit potential, Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 13021-13029.
7. Fei Wu, Ping Yu, Lanqun Mao*, Analytical and quantitative in vivo monitoring of brain neurochemistry by electrochemical and imaging approaches, ACS Omega 2018,3, 13267-13274.
8. Fei Wu#, Lei Su#, Ping Yu, Lanqun Mao*, Role of organic solvents in immobilizing fungus laccase on single-walled carbon nanotubes for improved current response in direct bioelectrocatalysis, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 1565-1574.
9. Fei Wu, Ping Yu, Lanqun Mao*, Self-powered electrochemical systems as neurochemical sensors: toward self-triggered in vivo analysis of brain chemistry, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2017, 46, 2692-2704.
10. Fei Wu, Ping Yu, Lanqun Mao*, Bioelectrochemistry for in vivo analysis: interface engineering toward implantable electrochemical biosensors, Curr. Opin. Electrochem. 2017, 5, 152-157.
11. Fei Wu, Shelley D. Minteer*, Krebs cycle metabolon: structural evidence of substrate channeling revealed by cross-linking and mass spectrometry, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 1851-1854.
12. Fei Wu, Lindsey N. Pelster, Shelley D. Minteer*, Krebs cycle metabolon formation: metabolite concentration gradient enhanced compartmentation of sequential enzymes, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 1244-1247.
2019年 国家重点研发计划 研究骨干
2018年 入选"2018-2020年度中国科协青年人才托举工程"项目
2018年 国家自然科学基金面上项目 主持
2015年 支持"率先行动"联合资助优秀博士后项目 主持